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Friday, March 7, 2008

EMO hairstyles: Brand new EMO-teen generation

EMO hairstyles presents Brand new EMO-teen generation
This article was published in The WB Gazette, William Blount High

How would you describe the word“emo?” In our high schools today, the emo population has increased dramatically. What has influenced teenagersto turn towards this lifestyle, and what declares someone as an official “emo kid?” First, I ask you what comes to your mind when you hear someone say emo? Do you think of black clothes, black hair, eyeliner, cutting, or self mutilation? The definition for emo is emotional. So, if we see an emotional distressedboy or girl who wears American Eagle clothes, participates in churchand school, and doesn’t cut themselves or wear dark clothes and eyeliner, why do we not see them as “emo kids?” Do we judge strictly by their appearance?

Ugly Emo Girl
I have interviewed some anonymous students at William Blount who claim to have been labeled emo by their peers, to see what their opinion was on this subject. My first question, what is emo?They told me that it was a style andbelieved that people use the word emo too loosely. When asked what has influenced them to have this lifestyle, I received a numberof different answers from different people. The first answer I got was that they have expectations that they could never meet either at home or school orboth. Some say they have simply been influenced by music. I concluded the interview by asking if they were aware of the sudden increaseof so called “emo kids” and what their response was to this. They answered with saying that there are not just one kind of “emo kid.” There’s emo kids, emo style kids and the emotional kids. Emo style kids dress punk. They justchange their appearance to make a statement. However, emo kids worry little about style or appearance. They are more in touch with their feelings and emotions rather than the latest emo fashion. The emotional kids would do anything to make people believe they are a perfect teen. They feel like they have to prove something; they feel alone in their fight to fit in. They do not dress “emo.” They look like you and me just looking for someone to care.

We have a lot in common with these students who have been labeled as emo for so long. We all need that certain someone to get involved and to care. So, next time you see someone in that hallway with tight pants and spiky hair, or some one who looks like he/she is tired of being
depressed and just need some one to care, or even if you overhear a group of students say the word “emo,” think of what it would be like to be judged everyday by people who don’t even know you. Now, I ask how you would describe the word “emo.”

Published by The WB Gazette, William Blount High

Emo Hairstyles will be back soon!

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